Breathing Re-education To Optimize Health

The Buteyko Breathing Method was developed in 1952 by Dr. Konstantin Buteyko. The Buteyko Breathing Method consists of a series of breathing exercises and guidelines specifically designed to reverse health issues associated with over-breathing (clinicallly known as hyperventilation). Over-breathing alters the natural levels of gasses in the blood, reduces oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, and causes constriction of the smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels and airways.
Who is Dr. Konstantin Buteyko?

“When the War ended, I decided to start researching the most complex machine, the Man. I thought if I learnt him, I’d be able to diagnose his diseases as easily as I had diagnosed machine disorders.”
– Professor Buteyko, interview in 1982
Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, MD, PhD. (January 27, 1923 – May 2, 2003) was born on a farm in Ivanitsa, about 150 km from Kiev. Buteyko had a passion for machines and in 1939 he enrolled at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to become an engineer. His studies were interrupted by World War II, where he would spend the next four years on the front lines fixing cars, tanks, and artillery for the Soviet army.
After the War, Buteyko changed his career path. In 1946 he enrolled at the First Moscow Institute of Medicine, where he graduated cum laude in 1952. He continued with his studies and engaged in high level research for the Russian military, space and sports programs.
During his medical training, Buteyko spent hours at the bedside of sick people, monitoring their breathing patterns. Buteyko observed the relationship between breathing and the state of health. As a person’s health declines, their breathing becomes faster, more upper chest, and often through the mouth.
Buteyko himself suffered from severe high blood pressure. Prescription drugs had no effect. When he was 29, his systolic blood pressure had shot up to 212; doctors gave him a year to live. He wondered if his breathing could be the cause. Buteyko began experimenting on himself by reducing his breathing and, within minutes, his headache, the pain in his right kidney, and the heart pain disappeared. He confirmed his discovery by taking five deep breaths. The pain returned.
Years of research followed. Dr. Buteyko found that during hyperventilation, the body’s levels of carbon dioxide were physiologically lower than that of a healthy individual. Dr. Buteyko devised a method to measure breathing and a program to restore a patient’s breathing to normal.
Learn How to Breath BETTER
The Buteyko Breathing Methold can help with:
- Asthma / Rhinitis / Hayfever
- Insommia / Snoring
- Anxiety / Stress / Panic Attacks
- Central Sleep Apnea / Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Fatigue
- High Blood Pressure
- Childhood Development
The way we breathe influences functioning of the airways, blood circulation, and oxygen release to the cells.

Functional Breathing Is...
Light breathing focuses on the biochemistry of the breath and the relationship between carbon dioxide and oxygen. Breathing lightly (taking in less air) will allow for increase oxygen uptake.
Slow breathing will activate the body's parasympathetic nervous response. This is your body's ability to rest, digest and grow.
Deep breathing means taking air deeper into the lungs. Drawing air deep into the lungs, using the diaphragm, will allow for greater gas exchange.
Nasal Breathing vs Mouth Breathing
- Improves oxygen uptake in the blood (5 -15%) increase in whole body oxygenation
- Warms & humidifies incoming air
- Reduces breathing volume
- Activates the diaphragm
- Harnesses nasal nitric oxide
- Slows breathing rate (parasympathic response)
- Leads to deeper sleep
- Modulates emotional regions of the brain
- Moves oxygen less effeciently
- Moves respiration away from the paranasal sinuses, which produce nitric oxide
- Negatively affects normal facial and dental development
- Leads to forward head posure
- Associated with behavorial problems and sleep disorders in children
The Buteyko Breathing Method