Breathing Re-education For Children

The Buteyko Breathing Method For Children
Children need to develop good breathing habits at an early age. It is important for growing children to breathe in and out through the nose with the correct tongue resting posture, with their lips together. This ensures a deeper sleep which is vitally important for the normal development of the brain. Nasal breathing also ensures normal development of the face and straight teeth.
Mouth Breathing
and its Effect on Childhood development:

- Mouth breathing is common habit, present in more than 50 percent of children. It is caused by airway obstruction or small airway size. Common risk factors include swollen adenoids and tonsils or a blocked, stuffy nose.
- Breathing through an open mouth is extremely detrimental to the development of the face, teeth and upper airways. Left untreated in childhood, the habit results in abnormal facial features and smaller airways in adulthood. This perpetuates poor breathing habits and leads to a lifetime of health issues.
- When a child mouth breathes, the brain receives insufficient oxygen. Long term, this has been proven to have a direct impact on cognitive ability, learning and behavior.
- Mouth breathing at night can result in sleep-disordered breathing with problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. No child should ever snore.
The Buteyko Technique is a gentle breathing re-education program. It is suitable for everyone. Because it is so important to develop good breathing habits at an early age, the online exercises for children are, and always will be, completely FREE.
Developed by Patrick and Lauren McKeown, discover easy techniques to help decongest the nose and restore functional breathing patterns during rest and physical exercise.

Full color story book with Argo the Whispering Wizard teaching children:
- How to decongest their nose by holding their breath
- The importance of nose breathing for good health and childhood developement, improved concentration and sports performance
- Correct resting tongue posture for normal dwevelopment of the face and jaws
- Optimal breathing patterns