Breathing Re-education to
Optimize Health and Athletic
Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques that Relieve the Symptoms of Dozens of Common Health Problems and Improve Sports Performance

Breathing Re-education:
- Establishes full-time nasal breathing during wakefulness and sleep
- Corrects the resting posture of the tongue
- Reducies the rate of respiration toward normal
- Restores diaphragm function and lateral expansion of the lower ribs
- Uses breath hold time (BHT) to establish chemosensitivity to carbon dioxide
- Reduces the minute volume towards normal to regulate levels of CO2
“It’s very intuitive: If we breathe better…we can deliver more oxygen to our muscles and organs, including the heart and brain, and thus heighten our physical capacity. All we’re really doing is assisting the body in working the way it was meant to work in the first place.”
– Patrick McKeown, The Oxygen Advantage
Why Isn't Correct Breathing A Health Priority?
Patrick McKeown, BA, MA, was educated at Trinity College Dublin. He is the founder and Director of Training and Education at Buteyko Clinic International. Patrick is also the creator, CEO, and Director of Education and Training at Oxygen Advantage®.
During his childhood and into his twenties, Patrick suffered from asthma. In 1998, he read an article in an Irish newspaper about the work of Ukrainian Doctor Konstantin Buteyko. By applying the basic two principles from Dr. Buteyko, his asthma improved by about 60 to 70% in one week.
So that he could teach this method to asthma sufferers like himself, Patrick trained directly under Dr. Konstantin Buteyko at The Buteyko Clinic in Moscow.
In March 2002, Patrick was accredited by Professor Buteyko. When he returned to Ireland, Patrick founded Buteyko Clinic International.
During the next thirteen years, Patrick built on Dr. Buteyko’s pioneering work. In 2015, Patrick launched Oxygen Advantage®, a program that incorporates simulation of high-altitude training, along with functional breathing training.
The Buteyko Breathing Method and Oxygen Advantage® Training to Optimize Health and Athletic Performance

Breathe Better for Health
THE BUTEYKO BREATHING METHOD: How we breathe can impact our health. Correct breathing balances body chemistry and relieves the symptoms of dozens of common health problems.

Breathe Better for Sports
THE OXYGEN ADVANTAGE®: How we breathe directly impacts body oxygenation during exercise. Optimal breathing enhances athletic performance.